7:50 AM: Issue vacuous, self-serving press release about a few daytraders' written supporting testimony for AEHI for tonight's P and Z hearing in Payette.
10:00 AM: Issue vacuous, self-serving, and rehashed old press release in attempt to manipulate stock price.
12:20 PM: Lunch with minders and assistants.
12:30 PM: Ask minders what he's supposed to say and how he's supposed to say it when asked questions by those pesky busybodies
1:30 PM:

Whoa!- Case Settled!
1:30 PM: Ask minders what he's supposed to do next, and what a "tweet" is.
3:30 PM: What the hell, let's issue another press release.
4:00 PM Update Facebook page to quell rising tide of unease among day-traders
5:00 PM Find leftover roll of stickers from Elmore County to hand out at Payette Planning and Zoning Hearing, helping to further rancor and division in a once-quiet community:
5:05 PM: Check closing stock price to see what flurry of press releases to send out the next morning.
7:00 PM: Show up to hearing, make sure minders are ready to keep stories as straight as possible. Water? No Problem! Cooling? It's Magic, right? Jobs? You Betcha! Razzle! Dazzle!
9:00 PM- Relax and unwind after yet another long day of shoveling shit.
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