An unauthorized collection of the records of Alternate Energy Holdings, inc., its principals and subsidiaries, and their antics, trials, and tribulations

Former AEHI CEO Don Gillispie

Former AEHI CEO Don Gillispie
OK, everyone, I've got to step out for just a minute. I'll be right back, I promise!

Friday, February 11, 2011

AEHI vs. SEC Case: No Responses Yet (8:15 am)

As of 8:15 AM, Feb 11, 2011, the US District Court PACER system does not list any response from Alternate Energy Holdings, Inc. to the Civil Complaint filed by the SEC on December 16, 2010: (see "date of last filing," "deadlines" and the time stamp on the receipt below)

Here is a copy of the Judge's order (paragraph 5 below) specifying February 10, 2011 as the due date for AEHI's responses:

 There are a number of reasons this could be the case:  Maybe they are working on a settlement.  Maybe the response was of such a volume that it has not all been scanned and entered yet. Or maybe the company credit card is run up with $2499 cruise purchases for everyone and no one thought to, like, maybe, file the documents and stuff.
On the previous deadline for the defendants, January 14th, the Dude checked PACER at about 8PM, saw no new filings, and went back to drinking some most excellent beer.  But when he awoke early on January15th, what to his PACERing eyes should appear, but 8 new documents, and all very clear! (sorry)
Not the case this morning, however. And so we shall wait.


  1. Maybe the judge should slap the RO back on until the docs show up? I believe the SEC really wanted to see the accounting books which they have not gotten yet.

  2. Thanks for the update Dude! Excellent as always!

    It's very frustrating to be waiting on these unreliable people to send in their responses. After all, this is better than any soap opera ever hoped for. A great many of us are addicted to this entertainment.

    "The Don and Jenny show". Possibly you could syndicate? But you would have to shop around for some reliable people who would be timely in their responses. This waiting would simply be unacceptable for a broader audience.

  3. Great tunes, as usual! Now where did we put those accounting records anyhow?!!

  4. I am thinking they are soooo busy taking care of business, that they forgot.

  5. What are you going to do if the judge rules that there was no fraud? Just curious.

  6. If the Judge says this isn't a fraud, the Dude will start his own "business" just like theirs- no product, no sales, no revenue. Just lots and lots of talk, but even better: lots and lots of money.

  7. I'm in Dude!! May I have an application if this happens. Love to work w/ you

  8. Only if you have the right...wait for it.....assets.

  9. Thanks. I was actually hoping for a serious answer though.

  10. I wonder if someone were to swing by the Global HQ of AEHI and see if they are still trying to find those accounting records. The IRS is going to have a hayday when the SEC is done.

  11. If this company were anything other than a complete farce, serious answers would abound. Thus the constant open mocking and well-deserved blatant ridicule found here since the blog's inception.

  12. Dude!

    Your posts are seriously funny! You have a gift for taking the obvious and applying a humorous edge to it. Great entertainment for those of us who can read.

    I hit upon why there are some of Donald Gillispie's minions who are upset with you. They don't care how they make their money. They simply don't care that Gillispie was screwing them or others, they don't care that from all the public documents AEHI appears to be a complete criminal enterprise. They only care that they make money at it, legal, illegal, immoral doesn't enter their pea brains. They are upset that you have "brought some new shit to light", most of which isn't even new, it is public record (even if hot off the SEC, or court site), which is interfering with their money making.

    I think those kind of people have been around since the dawn of human existence. Most people refer to these people as being part of the "oldest profession".

    Some of us do care how we make our living, and for all of us, thanks again for your many months of great humor and enlightenment!!!
