Via AEHI's stock pumping Facebook page, former board member Gregory Kane finally gets a reply (a full 12 days later) to his question regarding his 2.5 million share stake in the company:
"Greg, there is no black out on AEHI stock. It is trading, but with a much smaller volume, based largely on price and the fact that there is no market maker on the stock. I cannot comment on how that is coming along, except to say that the proper paperwork has been filed, but what happens next is up to the FINRA approval process. As for Mr. Gillispie, he is very busy with pressing matters that relate to approving and building a nuclear power plant, so your broker will need to speak to someone else in the office."Like maybe the Key Senior Executive Vice President for Lavish Expenditures?
Since he is a former board member, maybe Mr. Kane's shares are restricted- which could very well mean his shares are 'blacked out'- until the company removes the restriction. One of the emails in the SEC case has Don directing someone to move shares from unrestricted back to restricted. Maybe this former board member is simply seeking to have Don, or his Key Senior Executive Vice President for Administration and Asian American Relations remove the restriction on Kane's shares. But, it appears, the folks at AEHI's World Headquarters are simply too busy to be bothered with such requests.
Here's the screenshot (with unrelated comments snipped out):
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, enlighten me. Could this be a PR error? AEHI's Board of Directors has approved a raise for its sterling, above reproach, and might I add, completely innocent CEO- 40K/month to 46K/month. That is $556,000/yr. Are they delusional? Surely this is a misprint.