An unauthorized collection of the records of Alternate Energy Holdings, inc., its principals and subsidiaries, and their antics, trials, and tribulations

Former AEHI CEO Don Gillispie

Former AEHI CEO Don Gillispie
OK, everyone, I've got to step out for just a minute. I'll be right back, I promise!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

AEHI CEO Don Gillispie Comments, Agrees With Blog On Half-Truths

“We understand the importance of updates on our funding process and we welcome the coverage.  We just ask for a complete picture of relevant facts; half-truths are just as damaging to the public’s right to know as outright lies.”- AEHI CEO Don Gillispie

Well put, Don.

Now, the rest of the story:
That quote was actually from AEHI's "Idaho Energy Newsletter" number 23, July 8, 2009, and was part of an article in which Don whined (what's new?) about an AP story he thought was misleading. 

Boo Hoo.
Boo F. Hoo.

As Don Gillispie would want, here is the rest of the newsletter article, because, as he puts it, "half truths are  just as damaging as lies."

from Martin Johncox mjohncox@cableone.netreply-to
to Idaho Media
date Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 12:19 AM
subject Idaho Energy Newsletter #23 - AP errors, nuclear projects advance
This newsletter is a product of Alternate Energy Holdings Inc. (, which has proposed the Idaho Energy Complex, a large advanced nuclear reactor with low cooling water requirements located about 65 miles southeast of Boise, in Elmore County. Company officials plan to submit a Combined Operating License Application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in 2010. The approval process is expected to take three years and cost $80 million. Construction could begin as soon as late 2012 and finish with power generation beginning in late 2016.
AEHI has signed an agreement with Source Capital Group Inc. to raise money for land, water rights and engineering services to obtain Nuclear Regulatory Commission approval to construct and operate a nuclear plant in Elmore County, Idaho, estimated to total some $70 million.
We’re on Twitter @aehi. Our Facebook page is at You may also be interested in Don Gillispie’s blog at Don, the CEO of AEHI, gives his take on energy-related issues and we invite you to visit and comment.
Please call or write if you have any questions,
Martin Johncox
Alternate Energy Holdings Inc.
Associated Press keeps important facts out of AEHI financial story
A June 29 Associated Press story intended to update readers on AEHI’s funding omitted crucial details and contained at least one gross factual error. Last year, AEHI and Powered Corp. announced plans to jointly develop reactors. The June 29 AP story ( mentioned that Powered is dissolving, but failed to point out that AEHI June 6 announced a funding agreement with Source Capital Group ( The AP story also botched describing a funding agreement with New York lender Cobblestone, stating that AEHI had a “deal” to “to build bed and breakfasts and mini-warehouses” – a statement that is factually inaccurate and bizarre, said AEHI CEO Don Gillispie. “We understand the importance of updates on our funding process and we welcome the coverage,” said AEHI CEO Don Gillispie. “We just ask for a complete picture of relevant facts; half-truths are just as damaging to the public’s right to know as outright lies.”

Again:  Well put, Don.


  1. Chairman; Martin Johncox fan clubDecember 22, 2010 at 5:05 PM

    Martin Johncox has strung together an unending number of lies for the specific purpose of putting investor funds in his and Gillispie's pocket at the expense of unsuspecting investors. He is likely worse than Gillispie as Johncox dreamed up all these news releases for this scam.

    I hope everyone finally get the real picture of this guy. With luck, this will be his last Christmas as a free man for many a year.

  2. Thanks for sharing information
